1-The law of Divine Mind~ Oneness
Everything is Connected to Everything Else...What We think, $ay, Do & Believe Will have a Corresponding Effect on Us, Others, and the Universe Around Us. I Am Connected to Infinite Intelligence & $ource Energy.
2-The LAw Of Vibration
~Everything in the Universe Moves, Vibrates and Travels in Circular Patterns. The Laws of Physics that Explain the Physical World also Have their Corresponding Principles in the Etheric World.
3~The LAw of Action
~Action Must be Employed in Order for us to Manifest things on earth. We Must Engage in Actions that Support Our Dream’s & Desire’s.
~As Above-$o Below
As Below-$o Above
As Within-$o Without
What We think, $ay, Do & Believe Will Have a Corresponding Effect on Us, Others and the Universe Around Us.
The Principles of Physics that Explain the Physical World of Energy, Light, Motion and Vibration… Also have their Corresponding Principles in the Etheric World.
Our Mind is Connected to Matter & Matters. Our Body of Work & Body of Affairs is Intimately Connected and Corresponds to the Mind. We are What We Repeatedly Do!
4~The Law of Correspondence
5-The Law of Cause & Effect
~Nothing Happens by Chance or Outside the Universal LAWS$. Every Action(Including Thought) has a Reaction or Consequence in the Creation of Your Life & Legend. We Get what We Give & Reap what We $ow.
This is the Universal Law of Cause & Effect Applied to Blessings & Abundance that are Pro-Vided For Us… The Visible Effects of Our Deeds are Given to Us in Gifts, Money, Materials, inheritances, Friendships & Blessings… We Reap what We Sow!
6~The Law of Compensation
7~The Law of Attraction
~This Universal Law Demonstrates How We Create the Things, Events and People that Come into our Lives. Our Thoughts, Feelings, Words and Actions Produce Energies Which in Turn Attract Like Energies. Negative Energies Attract Negative Energies & Positive Energies Attract Positive Energies.
8~ The Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
~All Persons & Players have Within them the Power to Change the Circumstances & Conditions of their Lives & Legends. Higher Vibrations Consume & Transform Lower Vibrations… Thus, We Can Change the Energies in Our Lives by Understanding the Universal Laws & Applying the Principles in $uch a Way as to Effect Change.
9~ The Law Of Relativity
Each Person or Player Will Receive a $eries of Problems(tests of transformation & lessons on life)for the Purpose of $trengthening the Light Within. Each of these tests or lessons are a Challenge by the Great Creator to Remain Connected to our Hearts while Proceeding to $olve the Problems.